Spray Cleaner Clear
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Ready to use spray solution for everyday cleaning and maintenance – especially developed for oiled and waxed wood surfaces. It contains soaps based on natural oils. The wood does not dry out from cleaning. The water-soluble ingredients prevent streaks and do not form a layer. Especially mild on skin, free of dyes and aromas, biodegradable, free of solvents and emissions, and thus it supports a healthy living environment.
RECOMMENDED USE: Osmo Spray Cleaner is especially suitable for cleaning and maintaining oiled and waxed interior wood surfaces. It is particularly recommended for surfaces treated with Osmo TopOil.
Based on natural plant oils; 5-15% plant soaps
(anionic tensides); <5% non-ionic tensides; care
components, suspending agent and preservatives
Detailed declaration of ingredients available upon request.