WR Base Coat Clear - (Click for Range)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Clear wood protection for the exterior which guards against plant and animal wood pests like rot, blue stain and insect attack. Swelling and shrinking is prevented. Osmo WR Base Coat contains active ingredients which according to latest research protect against blue stain (EN 152), rot (EN 113) and wood-destroying insects
(EN 46). Osmo WR Base Coat has a faint odour during the application and is odourless after drying.
RECOMMENDED USE: Osmo WR Base Coat protects any exterior wood surfaces which are not under structural loads, dimensionally stable, limited dimensionally stable or dimensionally unstable and without direct contact to the ground (e.g. windows, roller shutters, doors, pergolas, trellis, garden furniture, etc.) against insects, rot and blue stain according to DIN 68800, part 3.